(1) Spelling of Arithmetic:
A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice-Cream.
A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice-Cream.
(2) Dividing One Fraction With Another
Keep the first fraction, Change the sign from divide to multiply, Flip the last fraction.
Keep the first fraction, Change the sign from divide to multiply, Flip the last fraction.
Kangaroo Chewing Frog
(3)Greater Than or Less Than?
In Ramayana Shri Ram is greater than Ravan and Ram’s weapon is aero, open towards himself (greater one) with narrow point towards Ravan(smaller than Ram).
(4)Metric Units of Measure in Order
* Kilo
* Hecto
* Deca
* Units [meter, liter, gram] M
* Deci
* Centi
* Milli
* Hecto
* Deca
* Units [meter, liter, gram] M
* Deci
* Centi
* Milli
King Hector Doesn't Usually Drink Cold Milk.
Kahan Hai Dilli Mein DCM
(5)Mode & Median
The mode is the value which comes Most of the times in a given series “MOde” and “MOst” have the same starting 2 letters.
The mode is the value which comes Most of the times in a given series “MOde” and “MOst” have the same starting 2 letters.
The mode is the Most Occuring Data Entity.
The median sounds like Medium which also means middle so it splits the data
The median sounds like Medium which also means middle so it splits the data
down the middle, like the median strip in a road.
(6)Which is the Numerator, which is the Denominator?
Naughty Dada ji (N comes before D)
(7)Multiplying Signed Numbers
From friendship:
friend = positive , enemy = negative
My friend's friend is my friend (+ × + = +)
My friend's enemy is my enemy (+ × - = -)
My enemy's friend is my enemy (- × + = -)
My enemy's enemy is my friend (- × - = +)
friend = positive , enemy = negative
My friend's friend is my friend (+ × + = +)
My friend's enemy is my enemy (+ × - = -)
My enemy's friend is my enemy (- × + = -)
My enemy's enemy is my friend (- × - = +)
(8)Roman numerals
Roman Numerals: I =1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50 , C = 100 , D = 500 and M = 1000.
I View Xrays Like Colourful Drawing of Monkey
I View Xrays Like Colourful Drawing of Monkey
Roman numerals: L = 50 , C = 100 , D = 500 and M = 1000. (LCDM)
Lallu Can't Draw Monkey.
Lallu Can't Draw Monkey.
Lucky Cows Drink Milk
(9)Speed, Distance and Time
Remember the formula triangle
D = distance travelled 
S = Average speed
T = Time taken

S = Average speed
T = Time taken
You can use the formula triangle in the following way:
If you need to find D, cover up D in the triangle and you get S × T
If you need to find D, cover up D in the triangle and you get S × T
If you need to find S, cover up S in the triangle and you get D / T
If you need to find T, cover up T in the triangle and you get D / S
Distance = rate × time
D = RxT
remember it as DiRT
D = RxT
remember it as DiRT
(10)In Trigonometry we have: Sin=P/H, Cos = B/H, Tan =P/B
Where P = Perpendicular, B = Base , H = Hypotenuse
Some People Have Curly Black Hair Through Proper Brushing
Sine = Opposite ÷ Hypotenuse
Cosine = Adjacent ÷ Hypotenuse
Tangent = Opposite ÷ Adjacent
You can use it in this way aswell, OHSAHCOAT (pronounced oh-sah-coat). It is interpreted as OHS-AHC-OAT
(11)Simple Interest Formula
Interest = principle × rate × time
I = prt
Learn it as “I am PReTty ”
I = prt
Learn it as “I am PReTty ”
(12)Value Of Pi (π)
Count the number of letters in each word:
Count the number of letters in each word:
Pi (π) to 12 decimal places: (Word lengths are digits)
See, I have a rhyme assisting my feeble brain, its tasks oft-times resisting.
See, I have a rhyme assisting my feeble brain, its tasks oft-times resisting.
Pi (π) to 30 decimal places: (Word lengths are digits)
Now I, even I, would celebrate
In rhymes unapt, the great
Immortal Syracusan, rivaled nevermore,
Who in his wondrous lore,
Passed on before,
Left men his guidance
How to circles mensurate.
Now I, even I, would celebrate
In rhymes unapt, the great
Immortal Syracusan, rivaled nevermore,
Who in his wondrous lore,
Passed on before,
Left men his guidance
How to circles mensurate.
Or it is better to learn this by the help of numpic coding
(13) (a)Area Of A Circle
d (diameter), r(radius)
Apple Pie (Pastry) are Square in shape: A = π × r2
Apple Pie (Pastry) are Square in shape: A = π × r2
Apple Pie are Round & Red: A = π × r × r
(b)Circumference of a Circle.
Around the circle(Circumference) a Pie is running to save itself from a Dog: C = π×d
Around the circle(Circumference) a Pie is running to save itself from a Dog: C = π×d
Around the circle(Circumference) a 2 Pie are running to save itselves from an ugly Rat: C = 2π×r
(14) Division with 0 is not possible
We couldn't divide by zero because if we put the eggs in the bottom of the grocery bag they would break. It was okay to have the eggs on top.
(15)Feet in a Mile
5280 feet = 1 mile
5 Tomatoes
5 to (m)ate oe(s)
5 2 8 0 -- or 5,280 feet in a mile
5 Tomatoes
5 to (m)ate oe(s)
5 2 8 0 -- or 5,280 feet in a mile
For straight memorization, you can write everything(all the formulas) in one big column on a single sheet of paper, and go through the list over and over. To test yourself, you can try to remember the items on the list without looking on the sheet.
In the actual test itself, if you would have any trouble remembering something that you know you had written down in your notes or used in studying, you can visualize the page in your mind to try remember it.
In the actual test itself, if you would have any trouble remembering something that you know you had written down in your notes or used in studying, you can visualize the page in your mind to try remember it.
you can see its structure aswell